Use the buttons above to view my stuff!

Make sure to have a great day!

The place where I upload most of my content onto the platform. I try my best to post stuff that others might enjoy, and I always try to do my best for everyone.

Main Accounts
Finding my place on the internet

Some extra accounts that I may use every so often. Content uploaded to my KevExtras channel is usually lower quality compared to my main videos.

Extra Accounts
Nothing wrong with being a bit silly

It's where it all begins

This section is still being worked on. I'll post a message on my discord server once this is finished. Very sorry about this!


These are all of the characters that I've made! You might see them show up from time to time, but some of them are rarely used.I'm not an artist, the following images showing my characters are simply roblox avatars. Maybe I'll get someone to draw these characters eventually.

KevTales is the face of the channel, showing up whenever necessary. While he mainly shows up in blue nowadays, he may sometimes wear his classic orange outfit seen in my profile picture!

Name: Kevin
Nickname: KevTales

Name: (Unknown)
Nickname: FireFox

A moody fox-dragon hybrid that doesn't like being the center of attention. He'll avoid interactions whenever possible and prefers to stick with those he trusts. Once you get to know him, he can be a pretty trustworthy fox. However, nobody really knows what his name is.

Ever feeling down? Not when KitKat is there to cheer you right up! They're the life of the party, always there to make sure nobody gets left out. They like to get a bit silly at times, and usually has something up their sleeve for when it gets a bit boring.

Name: Kit
Nickname: KitKat

Name: (Unknown)
Nickname: NoobMasta

Owner of a group destined to help the noobs of robloxia, NoobMasta is someone who you can always count on. He spends most of his time taking care of the citizens of Nub Town, making sure that everyone is having a good time. NoobMasta will do anything to protect his people.

A friendly dragon coming from a far land (very original). Cypher doesn't quite understand how things work exactly, but he's always curious to try new things. He likes to help support his friends by sharing his goods whenever possible, and is known to be very trustworthy.

Name: Cypher
Nickname: SightFur

Have some fun!

These are accounts that I don't use as often, but they still provide some additional content for you to enjoy!

Bonus Content
You can never have too much content

Make sure to always look out for yourself

If you're interested in seeing where I've been on the internet, then you've made it to the right place.

Don't forget about your past

This is the main avatar that I use on roblox, and is pretty much the face of the channel at this point. For many years, I've kept the same style of avatar without changing it much till I got really tired of it one day. Went for a brand new look and now we've got the blue outfit that you see!

An anonymous artist reached out to me asking if they could draw something for robux. I told them to draw my roblox avatar at the time!
September 2022

My roblox avatar dressed up as another OC of mine.
October 2023

A more casual blue avatar.
(the back accessory is a skateboard most of the time, but not always)
August 2023

The first blue avatar, styled to look similar to another OC of mine.
Somewhere in 2023

A very experimental avatar. This one had many changes, but this was the final one.
Early 2023

The first outfit with a brand new color.
(got tired of orange y'know?)
Late 2022

A slightly modified version of a different avatar.
Somewhere in 2022

Changing the orange look entirely.
(tail was added early 2022)
Somewhere in 2021

Created a nice avatar using the free Instagram items.
(shirt created by TomTom04)
February 2020

Going back to an old avatar with a few changes.
January 2020

Making use of those free event items.
Late 2019

Going all out with the sword accessory.
(can you blame me? it's a cool sword!)
Early 2019

Trying something new with the orange outfit.
Somewhere in 2018

A different style of clothing.
(outfit named "haha bileyk"
for some reason)

July 2017

Shirt to represent my favorite game at the time, Ripull Minigames!
Early 2017

The start of the orange era.
Early 2017

An abomination of clothing.
(why did I ever wear this???)
Late 2016

The first ever roblox avatar seen on my first roblox video.
January 2016

The only furry OC that has actual effort put into its design. I really love how this character turned out, and I occasionally use this avatar while playing on Roblox (just not often). If furries weren't being contantly hated on for no reason, this would probably be my main avatar. Unfortunately, I worry about how others see me too much.

December 16th, 2023

February 21st, 2022

The most random character that I've created, literally coming out of nowhere. I don't even have anything to say about this character, they're just here now. KitKat was originally meant to be a girl character but I forgot that so now they're trans lmao. They use he/him and they/them pronouns if you're interested.

December 16th, 2023

February 21st, 2022

A character made simply for a roblox group. NoobMasta's design has changed a lot as the years went by, changing alongside NDAIC. The clothing style remained similar tho, keeping a blue shirt and green pants similar to a classic roblox noob. Not much is done with this character as of now.

December 16th, 2023

February 21st, 2022

The first furry character that I've made! Cypher was purely an experimental character to try and fit in with the furry fandom. The design was very rushed, and not much thought went into this character. I had a plan to make an entirely new channel seperate from KevTales to keep the furry fandom seperate from my main channel, but it didn't really work out for me.

December 16th, 2023

February 21st, 2022